Bound Guardian Angel: When Will It Be Released?

Bound Guardian Angel

Trace (muse: James Guardino)

When will Bound Guardian Angel be released? is a question I get about once a day, so I thought I’d address the question here to make it easier than answering each question separately. How’s that for efficiency?

Here’s the Scoop on Bound Guardian Angel

Bound Guardian Angel (Trace’s book) is mostly drafted, however, a couple of things happened that required me to set the draft aside.

There was so much going on in Bound Guardian Angel that I needed to take a step back and take a broad look at the manuscript. What I determined was that there are components of the draft that need to be pulled and inserted into two breakout novellas. One of those novellas will belong to Sev and Ari (and my Sev/Ari fans just squee’d and tinkled a little at that news). The other novella will be a followup to Bound Guardian Angel and incorporate a bit more of Micah. Right now, Micah is dominating (ha ha! Dominating) more of Trace’s book than he should. Seems Micah can’t relinquish his Dom nature even for his buddy’s story. Yes, Micah is integral to Trace’s book, but there are some side stories going on with him that would be better suited to a spin-off of Trace’s book, rather than as part of the main action.

The other thing is, as many of you know by now, I’m working on a trilogy called Strong Karma. The first book is Good Karma and is due out August 1, 2014. I have been working on Good Karma for two years, but kept putting it aside to work on AKM books. Finally, Mark and Karma, the books hero and heroine, put their feet down and said, “We want our books out NOW!” All other projects in my head ceased talking at the time Mark and Karma gave me this ultimatum. Since I never force a book that’s not speaking to me to speak, I dutifully set Bound Guardian Angel aside and listened to the characters who were talking. It’s become pretty clear that nothing else is going to get done until I get these books finished, or at least drafted. And to add to that, I received the rights back to another book that was previously published with Silver Publishing, and which needs to be revamped and republished, and my plate is super full. Yes, I need a clone.

So, the answer to the question, when will Bound Guardian Angel be released? is one I don’t currently have an answer to. I can see where it’s going. I’ve already written 75% of the book, but until I can loosen up my writing schedule by knocking out the Strong Karma books, I just don’t know when to expect Trace’s book to come out. But trust me, it will be epic. His love story is AWESOME! I’ve written his first love scene, and it blew me away. I didn’t even see some of what happened coming. Trace is definitely a character of extremes. There is very little middle road with him, in every sense of the word. He’s either quiet or loud. He’s either calm or destroying the world with his hand. He’s either scared or at peace. Well, that concept translates to the bedroom, too.

With that said, I can tell you that beta readers and critique partners have said that once you read Good Karma, you’ll understand why Trace’s book has to wait…and instead of asking for his book, you’ll be begging me for book two of the Strong Karma Trilogy, Coming Back To You.

Looks like I’ll be a very busy girl for the next year as I churn out all these awesome books for you. 🙂

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