2016 and Beyond

I’m so excited about the new year! There’s so much going on right now, and I’ll admit it’s a bit of a whirlwind to try and keep up with it all, but let me see if I can get everything summarized as quickly as I can here.

First, two of my books hit a bestseller list last October. It was a smaller list, but every journey to the New York Times Bestseller list has to start somewhere, and mine started on the Smashwords Top 25 for October 2015. Coming Back To You hit #7 on the list, and Full Circle landed at #13. Given the other names on this list, I was humbled and honored to be a part of it. Seeing my name in print in the December Publishers Weekly, when they published the SW October list was just the icing on the cake.

As many of you know by now, Bound Guardian Angel is finally almost ready. I worked extremely hard at the end of 2015 to finish the revision, and I have to say I LOVE it. I rewrote at least half the book from its first draft, pulling out a lot of material to move into the next four books in the AKM Series. The first draft just had so much going on, and I really wasn’t happy with it, so it needed a major overhaul, which was why it’s taken so long to finish the book. I needed to let my subconscious mull over how the story needed to be changed. Once I got the answers, it was full pedal to the metal until the revised version was finished. Now, the preorder is listed on iBooks, and the release date is scheduled for May 6, 2016. I will list a preorder on Amazon on or around April 15.

Meanwhile, the next book in the AKM Series exploded into being while I was finishing the Bound Guardian Angel revision. All I can tell you right now is that it is called BLACK (yes, all caps). To say more would be to give away too much and could spoil Bound Guardian Angel. So, I’ll keep this one under wraps for a while. But you can order the preorder on iBooks. I have a tentative release date of October 28 for BLACK, but since the book is only partially written in bits and pieces, I won’t have a final release date until I’ve finished the draft and begun work on the revisions.

There’s lots more to come, so stay tuned. I’ll be making a much strong effort to keep my website updated this year. I apologize that I let it get away from me last year.

Happy 2016!


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